Monday, June 6, 2011

Plant a radish...

Salad from my garden for lunch!  Spinach, radishes, basil, and unknown lettuce.  The tomato is from the store because we won't be seeing those for at least a month around here - if that!  It was delicious and satisfying.  (Emotionally. In terms of food it was a side dish to my two hot dogs.) 

These little radish guys are SO easy to grow!  I just put the seeds in and out came radishes! Have you seen The Fantastics?  Do you know that song, "Plant a radish, get a radish, not a brussel sprout.  That's why I like vegetables you know what they're about...While with child-er-en It's bewilderin' You don't know until the seed is nearly grown, just what you've sown."

I love that musical and that song is very present with me in the garden.  If you think tomatoes are hard to grow try kiddos!!

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Full hilarious lyrics available here:

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the salad, Emily. It looks lovely!!! Ours is slow growing in Indiana! Hey, you are still set on no reply in blogger. Just an fyi! :)
