I had an idea that I thought was pretty clever (this happens all the time) and this one turned out to actually work (extremely rare occurrence). I planted lots of seedlings but didn't want to spend any money on plant labels because I am a very "thrifty" person. I've been saving these juice containers for ages and we have filled them with markers, played with them in the tub, and used them to collect dust on the kitchen counter. When I saw them sitting there I thought those would make the perfect free plant labels!
Materials needed:
Plastic juice container
Fine tipped permanent marker
First you cut a line down the plastic juice container from the top to the circle bottom.
Continue cutting along the bottom until you have cut the circle out. What you have left will look like this:
Some people would cut the strips a specific width but I am not those people:
Label your stick in writing legible only to you and a few select pharmacists:
Since my seedlings are still growing (and yes, it's awfully late in the year for starting seeds but the first round failed miserably) I'm using these alongside them until it's time to pot or plant:
And there you have it! Free plant labels.
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6 months ago